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Let's get gardening!

The Master Gardener™  program is a "knowledge-to-action" service sponsored by OSU Extension. The program trains community members in research-based gardening techniques and certifies us to work as volunteers within our communities to help backyard gardeners improve their gardening success.



Spring Roundtable Series

Our 2022 Roundtable Series opens with 2 opportunities to update your pruning skills.  Both sessions are held outdoors and in-person.  The remaining sessions are conducted online via Zoom.  

Feb 5  Fruit Tree Pruning Basics  1-3pm
Learn the basics of fruit tree pruning.  We will cover tools, pruning cuts, timing, and provide a live demonstration.
Meet at Eddyville Orchard.

Feb 26 Rehab Your Orchard 1-4pm
This session provides a hands-on opportunity to prune older trees that are in need of rehabilitation. Should have a grasp of pruning basics. Bring own pruning tools.  Meet at Eddyville Orchard.

Mar 5  Butterfly Gardens  10-11:30am
Watching butterflies flutter in your yard has to be one of the great pleasures of gardening. Learn how to create a butterfly friendly habitat. It's easy and very rewarding.
Online class.
+Registration opens Feb 15

Apr 2 Herbs and Their Many Uses  10-11:30am
Growing herbs but not sure what to do with them? Would you like to have an herb garden, but not sure what’s involved? In this session, we will cover how and when to harvest different parts of herbs (such as leaves, flowers, and roots); using fresh herbs vs. dried herbs; the pros and cons of various types of drying; processing and long term storage. We will also review some history and lore surrounding common herbs and provide lots of ideas for how to use them.  Online class.
+Registration open Mar 15

May 7  Get Ready for Summer Vegetables 10-11:30am
After Mother's Day is prime time for planting all types of vegetables.  Learn about varieties best suited to coastal gardens and special techniques to help you grow tasty, problem free produce all summer.  Online class.
+Registration opens April 15

Plant Clinic 

Our Lincoln County Plant Clinic will be open Tuesdays and Thursday from 9-12 for consultations.  You can speak with a local Master Gardener by phone or send an email with your questions.  We recommend you call the office before coming in person for updated hours.  The clinic is located at the OSU extension office:
1211 SE Bay Boulevard
Newport, OR 97365

+ Get more info
Recycle Your Old Plant Pots


New dropoff location

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