Lincoln County Master Gardener™ Association

Plant Sale
May 22, 2021
Oregon Coast Community College
400 SE College Way, South Beach, OR
10 am to 2 pm
Great deals on high quality plants
for coastal gardens
New Location and Time
The Lincoln County Master Gardener Association (LCMGA) will host their 21st annual Spring Plant Sale on May 22 2021 from 10am - 2pm at the Oregon Coast Community College-South Beach from 10-2.
This event is the primary fundraising activity of the LCMGA. The mission of the Spring Plant Sale is to offer the community reasonably priced, healthy, well-rooted plants that are suitable for growing in the coastal climate, to raise funds for LCMGA educational projects and provide gardening advice. All plants are grown locally by Oregon State University's (OSU) Master Gardener volunteers.
This year, the Plant Sale will feature native, ornamental, tomatoes, vegetables, and herbs.
OSU Master Gardener volunteers will be available in each section to answer your gardening questions.
Mark your calendar for the LCMGA's annual Spring Plant Sale on May 22! Major credit cards and cash accepted.

All proceeds from the sale help fund LCMGA educational projects: college scholarships, round table programs and the five demonstration gardens.
Masks required at all times during the sale
A maximum of 30 customers at one time in the sale area
Volunteers only in the plant holding area