Lincoln County Master Gardener™ Association

Fall Roundtable Series
September 7, 2024
11am - 2pm
Planning Your Winter Garden
Confused with terms such as ‘cool-season crops’, ‘overwatering’ or ‘winter crops’? Lincoln County Master Gardeners will help you learn and explore the kinds of crops and varieties well-suited for our coastal climate. Learn which crops are best to start in the early fall to extend your garden into the winter and explore which crops grow best for harvesting in late winter into early spring such as greens and lettuces, brassicas (cauliflower and broccoli), root crops, plus garlic and onions. Take home seeds from the Grow with Us Seed Library and start your winter garden.
Laura Strom
Newport Public Library
October 11, 2024
1:30 - 4pm
Fall into Bulbs
Want to plant the promise of Spring? Fall bulbs are the answer. From Alliums to Zantedeschia (Calla lily), learn how and when to plant for beautiful Spring flowers. This session will include bulbs, corms, tubers, tuberous roots and rhizomes. The star of the show is the queen of edible bulbs: garlic, which is easy to grow on the coast. The flavors of fresh garlic are outstanding. We will show you how to grow, harvest and cure this important culinary bulb. Let’s get planting! This session will be divided into an indoor session followed by an outdoor demonstration in our on-site OSU Extension Service Demonstration Garden.
Joan Crall
Newport (Classroom + Demo Garden)
November 2, 2024
1:30 - 3pm
Attack of the Killer Invasives
Certified Lincoln County Master Gardener Larry King will cover what you need to know to identify and manage invasives, including the differences between weeds and non-native invasive plants. You will learn to identify the most common invasives in Oregon and how to effectively manage weeds and invasive plants. This session will include classroom presentation and outdoor activity, weather permitting.
Larry King
Newport-OSU Extension Office
September 28, 2024
11am - 2pm
Saving Seeds
Saving seeds from this year’s garden is fun and easy to do. Why buy seeds from the store, when you can save your own seeds from your garden and use them to grow your garden next year? Lincoln County Master Gardeners will show you how to harvest, process and store seeds from this year’s garden bounty of peas, beans, tomatoes and peppers.
Laura Strom
Newport Public Seed Library
October 18, 2024
1 - 4pm
Pruning Ornamental Shrubs
This session is ideal if you want to learn how to prune and train common ornamental shrubs in your garden while preserving the plants’ natural vigor and beauty. We will cover the why, how, when, and where to prune. Participants will learn the basic pruning cuts and techniques and how to apply them to specific shrubs. A portion of this session will be outdoors.
Ann Geyer
November 8, 2024
1:30 - 4pm
Rainwater Collection
Harvesting rainwater conserves resources, reduces water bills and helps landscapes survive in drought or water restriction periods. In this session Ann Geyer, Certified Master Gardener, will introduce the basic concepts of how to collect, store, and distribute rainwater. She will provide examples based on her own experience using only rainwater for her one-acre garden. This session will include a tour of the water catchment system in the OSU Extension Service Demonstration Garden at OCCC’s South County Center in Waldport.
Ann Geyer
Waldport (Classroom + Demo Garden)
October 2, 2024
10 - noon
Perennials 2.0
Perennials are plants that provide yearly enjoyment and fall is the ideal time to plant them. This class expands on the fall 2022 class of a very similar name, but attendance at the previous class is not necessary to learn from and enjoy ‘Perennials 2.0’. Come join Master Gardeners Cathi Block and Mary Jane Bonelitz as we “dig deeper” into the fascinating world of perennials including natives, trees, shrubs, ground covers and more!
Cathi Block & Mary Jane Bonelitz
Lincoln City
October 25, 2024
1:30 - 3pm
Using Compost & Mulch to Condition Your Soil
Why wait until spring to improve your garden soil? Learn about how to use compost, mulch and Mother Nature to improve your soil and your garden’s productivity. This class will discuss the elements of good soil and the use of organic materials to improve soil condition and nutrient availability.
Kathy Burke & Mary Jane Bonelitz
Lincoln City