Lincoln County Master Gardener™ Association

Meet our Board of Directors and Key Committee Leads
2023 Officers
President: Ann Geyer
Co-Vice Presidents: Joan Crall and Julie Moore
Co-Secretaries: Stormi Dykes and Laura Strom
Treasurer: Gary Dorris
OMGA Representative: Kristi Kind
Co-Past President: Cathi Block and Sharon Busby
2022 Officers
Cathi Block and Sharon Busby, co-Presidents
Greg Kurtz and Dawn Henton, Co-Vice Presidents: Ann Geyer, Secretary
Alanna Miklic, Treasurer
Kristi Kind, Historian
Michael Christy, OMGA Representative:
Pam McElroy, Past President
2021 Officers
Cathi Block & Sharon Busby, co-Presidents
Greg Kurtz & Lynne Holland, co-Vice Presidents
Rebecca Hooper, Secretary
Alanna Miklic, Treasurer
Kharizma McAnulty, Historian
Michael Christy, OMGA State Representative
Kristi Kind & Pam McElroy, Past co-Presidents
2020 Officers
Kristi Kind & Pam McElroy, co-Presidents
Bill Shapiro & Pamela Yu, co-Vice Presidents
Carita Edson, Secretary
Alanna Miklic, Treasurer
Kharizma McAnulty, Historian
Michael Christy, OMGA State Representative
Diane Primont & Marlene Shapiro, Past co-Presidents
2019 Officers
Kristi Kind & Pam McElroy, co-Presidents
Lindsay Clark & Lynne Holland, co-Vice Presidents
Carita Edson, Secretary
Sharon Busby, Treasurer
Alanna Miklic, Historian
Ron Woodard II, OMGA State Representative
Diane Primont & Marlene Shapiro, Past co-Presidents
2018 Officers
Diane Primont & Marlene Shapiro, co-Presidents
Lindsay Clark & Lynne Holland, co-Vice Presidents
Kristi Kind, Secretary
Sharon Busby, Treasurer
Mary-Ellen Townsend, Historian
Deanna Trail, OMGA State Representative
Donna Davis, Past President
2017 Officers
Donna Davis, President
Deanna Trail, Vice President
Kristi Kind, Secretary
Sharon Busby, Treasurer
Mary-Ellen Townsend, Historian
Ann Geyer, OMGA State Representative and Website Manager
Pat Shaw, Past President
2023 Committee Leads
Awards Alanna Miklic
Audit Jeff Olsen
Budget Diane Primont
Facebook Mary Jane Bonelitz
Librarian Carita Edson
Newsletter Evie Smith, Pgm. Coord.
Membership Database Sharon Busby
Nominating Open
Plant Clinic/Help Desk Renee Johnson, Ed. Program Assistant
Publicity Renee Johnson, Ed. Program Assistant
Spring Garden Sale Open
Roundtables Ann Geyer
Seed to Supper Open
Scholarship Lindsay Clark
Website Manager Ann Geyer
2023 Garden Coordinators
OCCC, Lincoln City Kriss Hoffman and Mary Jane Bonelitz
OCCC, South Beach Joan Crall and Patricia Anderson
Yachats Carita Edson
2022 Committee Leads
Awards Alanna Miklic
Audit Jeff Olsen
Budget Diane Primont
Newsletter/Facebook Evie Smith, Pgm. Coord.
Grants Alanna Miklic
Librarian Carita Edson
Membership Database Diane Primont
Plant Clinic/Help Desk Renee Johnson, Ed. Program Assistant
Publicity Renee Johnson, Ed. Program Assistant
Spring Garden Sale Greg Kurtz
Roundtables Ann Geyer
Seed to Supper
Scholarship Diane Primont, Bill Hutmacher
Website Manager Ann Geyer
2022 Garden Coordinators
OCCC, Lincoln City Kriss Hoffman and Mary Jane Bonelitz
YBLG (On Hiatus) Ann Geyer
OCCC, South Beach Joan Crall and Patricia Anderson
Yachats Carita Edson
2021 Committee Leads
Jeff Olsen, Audit Committee
Diane Primont, Budget Committee
Leigh Diepenbrock, Grants Committee
Marlene Shapiro, Nominating Committee
Greg Kurtz and Rebecca Hooper, Spring Garden Sale
Diane Primont, Scholarship Committee
Diane Primont, Membership Database
Ann Geyer, Roundtable Events and Website Manager
2020 Committee Leads
Chris Shaffner & Ramona Goddard, Hospitality
Jeff Olsen, Audit Committee
Bill Shapiro, Budget Committee
Cathi Block, Nominating Committee
Cathi Block, Greg Kurtz and Rebecca Hooper, Spring Garden Sale
Judie Rickus, Scholarship Committee
Diane Primont, Membership Database
Ann Geyer, Roundtable Events and Website Manager
2019 Committee Leads
Rebecca Hooper, Hospitality
Jeff Olsen, Audit Committee
Ron Woodard II, Budget Committee
Cathi Block, Nominating Committee
Cathi Block and Greg Kurtz, Spring Garden Sale
Becky Stiles, Membership Database
Jeff Olsen, Seafood and Wine Festival
Donna Davis, Scholarship Committee
Ann Geyer, Roundtable Events and Website Manager
2018 Committee Leads
Marianne De Taeye, Plant Clinic Scheduler
Rebecca Hooper, Hospitality
Mary Cutting, Audit and Scholarship Committees
Ron Woodard II, Budget Committee
Pam McElroy, Nominating Committee
Cathi Block and Greg Kurtz, Spring Garden Sale
Jeff Olsen, Membership Database and Seafood and Wine Festival
Ann Geyer, Roundtable Events and Website Manager
2017 Committee Leads
Holly Brandwen, Plant Clinic Scheduler
Allison Coleman, Press and Promotion
Margaret Paz-Partlow, Librarian
Jeff Olsen, Membership Database and Seafood and Wine Festival
Cathi Block and Jill Johnson, Spring Garden Sale