Murder Hornets Found in Washington State
The Asian giant hornet, Vespa mandarinia. Their queens can grow to be two inches long and their quarter-inch stingers can pierce normal...
Paper Wasps are True Beneficials
The name wasp may conjure images of gangling black insects with stingers that could pierce a car door. But the common paper wasp looks...
Ah...those pesky deer
I've lived with deer in my ornamental and vegetable garden for 25 years now. I first tried to tempt them with their own plants, water,...
Samurai wasp takes on brown marmorated stink bug
A natural enemy has arrived to help control the brown marmorated stink bug, an invasive pest that devastates gardens and crops,...
Be on the Lookout -- a new pest in town
The brown marmorated stink bug (BMSB to those in the know) is a newcomer to Oregon. Even so entomologists are predicting it can cause...