Sustainable Gardening--A Must Have New Book
Reviewed by Anne Biklé, co-author What Your Food Ate and The Hidden Half of Nature I have been waiting for a gardening book like Joe...

Recommended Reading: The Wild Garden
First published in 1870, The Wild Garden challenged the prevailing garden style of the day and advocated a naturalistic style, in which...

Flora Mirabilis
Flora Mirabilis is a sumptuously designed showcase of superb illustrations paired with fascinating stories of botanical exploration and...

Botanical Sketchbooks
​​The collection of sketches is quite beautiful. The book contains 75 illustrations of flora from around the world, dating from the 15th...

Growing Vegetables West of the Cascades
Growing Vegetables West of the Cascades, Updated 6th Edition: The Complete Guide to Organic Gardening 6 Updated Edition, Steve Solomon,...

Coastal Gardening In the Pacific Northwest
by Carla Albright, Taylor Trade Publishing Albright is an Oregon State Master Gardener, teaches OSU Master Gardener classes and writes a...

The Botany of Desire--A plant's eye view of the world
The Botany of Desire by Michael Pollan People that garden will enjoy the plant’s eye view of the world. We like to think that we are in...