Verbena bonariensis

This plant is for those gardens that need to stand up to strong winds and salty soil and spray. Fortunately since it is so hardy it will do well in other garden environments not quite so 'beachy.' I have it spread in a number of places in my garden which is on the east side of the County.
The Verbena bonariensis grows to 6 ft, but don't just relegate it to the back of your borders. It's an elegant plant with an airy, see-through character that let's you put it anywhere in the garden. It works well inter-planted with grasses. I like to plant mine with yellow and orange rudbeckia and my favorite oatgrass.
Grow Verbena bonariensis in moist but well-drained soil in full sun. An annual application of compost will keep this plant healthy and happy. The plant will self-seed, but not aggressively so. It also transplants easily. If the stalks break, just cut them back and new ones will sprout up.
It attracts butterflies, is deer and drought tolerant, and is a good cut flower as well.