Get Ready to Dry Hydrangea Flowers
1. Timing is Critical Knowing when to cut hydrangea blooms for drying is the secret to success. While you may be tempted to snip blossoms...

Using Sawdust as Mulch
Sawdust or shavings can be used as a plan mulch if you take a few extra steps. Some people who use sawdust as plant mulch notice a...

Sweet Peas Add Fragrance to Your Cutting Garden
Sweet peas make great flowers for gardens and bouquets. These pea-like flowering annuals grow in many lovely colors and are suitable for...

Garlic Begets Garlic
Tips for Growing Garlic Choose locally adapted seed stock Garlic does not produce viable seed, so it must be propagated by planting...

Plant Now for Bigger Onions
Get onions in the ground in spring and avoid heartbreak when it comes time to harvest big, beautiful bulbs this summer. Plant as soon as...

Tips for Growing Potatoes
Here are a few tips for growing potatoes from the Lincoln County Master Gardeners. Planting Location Potatoes do best in full sun. They...

Got Grubs?
Grubs feast on grass roots and are the larvae of beetles like Japanese beetles, June beetles, or European chafers. Adult female beetles...

Fragrant Herbs for the Home
Now that the weather is changing and we spend more time inside, the air in our home can get stale. In the winter months, I use fragrant...

Divide plants to keep them healthy and productive
Keep plants healthy and productive Dividing is a matter of digging up plants, prying them apart with hands, spades, or knives and...

Ah...those pesky deer
I've lived with deer in my ornamental and vegetable garden for 25 years now. I first tried to tempt them with their own plants, water,...